Saturday, August 16, 2008

Auntie Nel's Birthday

This weekend we were back to Vegas to celabrate Chanel's birthday. Of course in Sean and Chanel style there was a WIIlympics to be had. Tennis anyone? So Spencer and I were the second couple to be elliminated in the WIIlympics but thats ok because we got to laugh at everyone else attempting to win the gold. In the end their could only be one winner though... Jessamyn in the meantime was working the party. Between flirting with all the boys, young and old, attempting to steal Chanel's presents and stealing cake, she was in paradise and of course she got to see her Molly. What more could a kid want...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Time Flies...

So we spent another weekend helpin Rachel move her house. The kids were a handful as usual, but Jessamyn and Logan (who are only 3 months diff. in age) really seemed to hit it off this time. Those two cracked us up. Logan who out weighs Jessamyn by like 15 pounds and several inches kept trying to hug her, she on the other hand had other ideas. She would try to beat him up several times, but he's a tank so he can take it =) They were dancing like crazy all day, it was so unbelievable adorable. Not much else going on in the McGhie household today.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dancing Babies

Logan, Jessa, Maddie & Brooke getting their groove thing on!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Temper Tantrum

For everyone who thinks my kid is an angel... here you go...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Amber, Robert & Morgan

It was another fun filled weekend of excitement for the McGhie's. Amber, Robert and Morgan came down from Las Vegas to visit us, well more accurately to help Rachel & Josh move from their Queen Creek House to their Gilbert house. It was a scorching hot day at 113 degrees on Saturday as we moved them, and attempted to keep 6 kids at bay, but as usual we had a great time. We managed to get just about everything moved but not unpacked and had time to enjoy some pizza and giggles as well. Spencer, Robert and Josh managed a little male bonding as well, ummm attempting to rearrange kitchens and what not. It is really fun to watch =) At the McGhie household we played a little morning Guitar Hero and then sent our family packing for the drive home. I don't think Jessamyn like that very much. She wondered around the house looking for her cousin for about an hour, it was kinda sad. It is still amazing how much alike miss Morgan and Jessamyn look. Anyway, all and all, a whole lot of fun!